Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust, Coin from United States - detailed information

Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust, Coin from United States (withdrawn 1965)
CoinHalf Dollar 1806 Draped Bust

The Half Dollar is a United States coin worth 50 cents. It has been produced since 1794.

The Draped Bust design was the second type of half dollar issued into circulation. It features on the obverse the draped bust of Miss Liberty, giving the design its name. The design is the same as on other denominations of the same period. The obverse was paired with two different reverses, a standing "small" eagle (in 1796 and 1797) and the "heraldic eagle" from the Coat of Arms of the United State (1801 to 1807).

In 1807, the design of the denomination changed to the Capped Bust obverse and a new eagle reverse. This type was only struck by the Philadelphia Mint, which was the only mint in the United States at the time.

The composition is 89.24% silver and 10.76% copper. The silver format of the half dollar was debased in 1965, and then changed to base metal in 1971. However, silver coins have never been formally withdrawn or demonetised, and are still legal tender. This, of course, is of academic interest only, as the original half dollars had already disappeared from circulation long before 1965, and their numismatic value is enormously higher than their face value.

MintPhiladelphia Mint Mint MarkNo mint mark Total Mintage 839,576
United States / Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust - obverse photo

The obverse of the coin shows the draped bust of Liberty, with long hair tied by a ribbon, facing right.

Around above, the inscription LIBERTY. Around the rim, thirteen stars (seven to the left and six to the right) representing the original 13 states.

Below the portrait, the date of issue: 1806.

The rim is denticled (toothed).

Obverse Inscription ******* LIBERTY ****** 1806
United States / Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust - reverse photo

At centre, the reverse of the coin shows the main part of the obverse (or front) of the Great Seal of the United States, which displays the full achievement of the national coat of arms. The design has the Union Shield at centre, legally blazoned as "paleways of 13 pieces, argent and gules; a chief, azure" (thirteen vertical stripes, white and red, with a blue horizontal bar on top). The colours are represented by heraldic hatching (thin lines indicating the colour - horizontal stripes for blue, vertical for red, no stripes for white).

The supporter of the shield is a bald eagle with its wings outstretched (or "displayed", in heraldic terms). From the eagle's perspective, it holds a bundle of seven arrows in its right talon, and an olive branch in its left talon. In its beak, the eagle clutches a scroll with the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM ("Out of Many, One"). Over its head there appears a "glory" of clouds and 13 mullets (stars).

The recurring number 13 refers to the 13 original states. The arrows and olive branch together symbolise that the United States has "a strong desire for peace, but will always be ready for war". The eagle has its head turned towards the arrows - unlike later versions where it looks towards the olive branch, to symbolise a preference for peace.

Around, the name of the country: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

The rim is denticled (toothed). The value and denomination are not inscribed on the reverse, but are on the edge of the coin instead.

EdgeInscribedEdge InscriptionFIFTY CENTS OR HALF A DOLLAR

There are several varieties of the 1806 half dollar, which are are distinguished by the style of the numeral 6 in the date (pointed or "knobbed" end), the size of the stars on the obverse, whether the stem of the olive branch held by the reverse eagle extends through the claw, and combinations of these.

The "main type" (illustrated above) has a "knobbed end" of the 6, and large stars.

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Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust: Known varieties
Variety Knobbed "6", small stars
Mintage Issued: unknown
Variety Overdate 6/5
Mintage Issued: unknown

6 over 5 overdate.

Variety Overdate 6/6
Mintage Issued: unknown (included in total)

6 over inverted 6 overdate.

Variety Knobbed "6", no stem
Mintage Issued: unknown
Variety Pointed "6", stem
Mintage Issued: unknown
Variety Pointed "6", no stem
Mintage Issued: unknown
Variety E over A
Mintage Issued: unknown

E over A in STATES.

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Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust: Details
CountryUnited States
CurrencyUS Dollar
Coin TypeHalf Dollar, Draped Bust
SymbolLiberty, Portrait
ReverseAmerican Heraldic Eagle
Face Value50 (x Cent)
Total Mintage839,576
CurrentNo; withdrawn 1965
Material0.8924 Silver
DesignerRobert Scot, John Eckstein
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationCoin Alignment (Axis 6)
Size32.5000 mm
Mass13.4800 g
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Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust: Photos
Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust: Photo 1806 50C Knob 6, Large Stars (Regular Strike) / thumbnail 1806 50C Knob 6, Large Stars (Regular Strike)
Copyright: PCGS
Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust: Photo 1806 50C Knob 6, Large Stars (Regular Strike) / thumbnail 1806 50C Knob 6, Large Stars (Regular Strike)
Copyright: PCGS
Half Dollar 1806 Draped Bust: Catalogue Reference IDs
SourceReference ID
Krause, Standard Catalog of World CoinsUnited States KM# 35