Information about effigy: King George III - Laureate Head, by Droz

King George III - Laureate Head, by Droz
Great Britain / Halfpenny 1788 (Pattern)

Jean-Pierre Droz was a coin and medal engraver born in Switzerland and trained in Paris. Droz was most known for engraving the Napoléon coin at the Paris Mint. He was employed by the prominent English manufacturer and business man, Matthew Boulton to improve Boulton's coin and medal quality. However, he worked there for just two years.

In 1788 he created an effigy for King George III for some pattern coins that the Soho Mint did not, eventually, release into circulation.

The effigy features the laureate head of King George III facing right, with hair falling in long curls below his shoulder; on bust truncation, D. F. (abbreviation of Droz Fecit - from Latin, "Droz, he made it"); around, the monarch's legend GEORGIUS III. D. G. REX. (the four stops are diamond shaped).

King George III - Laureate Head, by Droz - Example/s on coins
Great Britain / Halfpenny 1788 (Pattern)

Laureate head by Droz on a pattern halfpenny

Great Britain / Halfpenny 1788 (Pattern)

The effigy can be seen on this pattern halfpenny coin, the design of which was finally not approved so that no coins of this type were released.

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