Quarter Dollar, Coin Type from United States - detailed information

Quarter Dollar, Coin Type from United States (issued 1796 - )
Coin TypeQuarter Dollar

The Quarter Dollar is a United States coin worth 25 cents. It has a diameter of 0.955 inch (24.26 mm) and a thickness of 0.069 inch (1.75 mm). It has been produced on and off since 1796 and consistently since 1831, initially in silver and since 1965 in copper-nickel.

The choice of a quarter-dollar as a denomination - as opposed to the one fifth (twenty cents) more common elsewhere - originated with the practice of dividing Spanish milled dollars into eight wedge-shaped segments, which gave rise to the name "piece of eight" for that coin, or into quarters.

United States / Quarter Dollar - obverse photo

There have been a number of obverse designs during the history of the denomination.

The first design (1796 - 1807) showed the Draped Bust of Miss Liberty within a toothed border. Liberty has flowing hair and is facing right. Around above, the inscription LIBERTY. Around the rim, fifteen stars (eight to the left and seven to the right) representing the 15 states which were then members of the Union. Some time during 1797 this was changed to show 13 stars instead. Below the portrait, the date of issue: [year].

The second design (1815 - 1838) had the Capped Bust of Miss Liberty within a beaded border. She faces left; her hair is covered by a cloth cap secured by a band inscribed LIBERTY, with tresses flowing down to her shoulder. Her neckline is draped with a gown, secured with a brooch at the shoulder. Around the rim, thirteen stars (seven to the left and six to the right) representing the original 13 states. Below the portrait, the date of issue: [year].

The third design (1838 - 1891) showed a Seated Liberty - clad in a flowing dress and seated upon a rock. In her left hand, she holds a Liberty pole surmounted by a Phrygian cap (a type of cap which in Ancient Rome was worn by freed slaves). With her right hand, she supports the Union Shield, which has thirteen vertical stripes, white and red, with a blue horizontal bar on top. The colours are represented by heraldic hatching (thin lines indicating the colour - horizontal stripes for blue, vertical for red, no stripes for white). Across the shield, a diagonal banner inscribed with the word LIBERTY. Thirteen stars around above represent the 13 original states. During 1840, the design was slightly modified with additional drapery of Liberty's dress, flowing down from her left elbow.

In the exergue below the figure, the date of issue: [year]. Between 1853 and 1855 and in 1873-1874, arrows on both sides of the date indicate a reduction and later increase in the weight of the denomination.

The Barber Quarter Dollar (1892 - 1916) shows a portrait of Miss Liberty facing right, her hair in a Phrygian cap and wearing a laurel wreath, with the word LIBERTY in tiny letters in a band above her forehead. The designer's initial B (for [Charles] Barber) is incuse on the next truncation. Around above, the legend UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; below the portrait, the date: [year].

The Standing Liberty Quarter Dollar (1916 - 1930) shows the standing figure of Miss Liberty, emerging from an opening between two pedestals; she holds an olive branch in her right hand, and a shield decorated with the Shield of the United States in her left hand. On the pedestals, divided by the figure of Liberty, is inscribed the motto IN GOD WE TRUST with the "U" in "trust" shaped (in the original Latin fashion) as a V, so IN GOD WE TRVST. Vertically on the pedestals, thirteen stars (seven on the left, six on the right). Around above, LIBERTY. Below the figure, the date [year]. The designer's initial M (for [Hermon Atkins] MacNeil) is at the base of the right pedestal.

The best known design is the Washington Quarter Dollar (1932 - 2021); the obverse shows the portrait of George Washington, the first President of the United States (1789 - 1797), facing left. He has long hear, tied below the neck with a ribbon. The designer's initials JF (for John Flanagan) are in relief on the neck truncation.

Until 1998, and in 2022: around above, the inscription LIBERTY. In smaller letters on two lines below left, the motto IN GOD WE TRUST. Around below, the date of issue: [year]. In 1999, some inscriptions were transferred from the reverse to the obverse: to the left of the portrait, the inscription LIBERTY. On three lines to the right, the motto IN GOD WE TRUST. Around above, the legend UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Around below, the value and denomination in words: QUARTER DOLLAR.

This design was issued in silver from 1932 to 1964, and was then debased to copper-nickel.

To coincide with the American Women Quarter Dollar Program, in 2022 the portrait on the obverse was changed for the version by Laura Gardin Fraser which was a runner-up in the 1931 competition for an obverse design featuring George Washington. The designer's initials LGF are in relief on the neck truncation.

Obverse Inscription LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST [year]
United States / Quarter Dollar - reverse photo

There have been a number of reverse designs during the history of the denomination.

The first design, known as the Small Eagle was only issued in 1796. The main device on the reverse is an eagle, standing on a rock, with open wings, looking to right. Around the eagle, a laurel wreath tied with a ribbon below. Around, the name of the country: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The rim is denticled (toothed). Value and denomination are not displayed on the coin.

The second design is known as the Heraldic Eagle and was issued from 1804 to 1807. At centre, it shows the main part of the obverse (or front) of the Great Seal of the United States, which displays the full achievement of the national coat of arms. The design has the Union Shield at centre. The supporter of the shield is a bald eagle with its wings outstretched; it holds a bundle of seven arrows in its right talon, and an olive branch in its left talon. In its beak, the eagle clutches a scroll with the motto E pluribus unum ("Out of Many, One"). Over its head there appears a "glory" with of clouds and 13 mullets (stars). Below, divided by the lowest part of the eagle, the abbreviated value and denomination given in cents: 25 C. (25 cents).

The recurring number 13 refers to the 13 original states. The arrows and olive branch together symbolise that the United States has "a strong desire for peace, but will always be ready for war". The eagle has its head turned towards the arrows - unlike later versions where it looks towards the olive branch, to symbolise a preference for peace. Around, the name of the country: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The rim is denticled (toothed).

From 1815 to 1891, the reverse showed a different eagle, perched, with open wings, looking to left. On its breast, the Union Shield at centre, with thirteen vertical stripes, with a horizontal bar on top. Around above, a scroll inscribed with the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM ("Out of Many, One"). Around the outer rim, the name of the country: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Below the eagle, the abbreviated value and denomination: 25 C. (Twenty-five Cents) until 1838, then abbreviated as QUAR. DOL. (quarter dollar) 1838 to 1891.

The Barber Quarter Dollar (1892 - 1916) shows the main part of the obverse (or front) of the Great Seal of the United States, being the Union Shield at centre, the supporter of which is a bald eagle with its wings outstretched. From the eagle's perspective, it holds a bundle of thirteen arrows in its left talon, and an olive branch with thirteen leaves in its right talon. In its beak, the eagle clutches a scroll with the motto E · PLURIBUS UNUM ("Out of Many, One"). Over its head there appears a "glory" of 13 mullets (stars).

Around above, the name of the country: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Around below, the value and denomination: · QUARTER DOLLAR ·.

The reverse of the Standing Liberty Quarter Dollar (1916 - 1930) has as its central device an eagle flying to right. Above, the legend UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, with the first two words around near the rim and "OF AMERICA" on two lines horizontally below. In small letters below that, the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM; the letters U are rendered as V, so: E PLVRIBVS VNVM. Around below, the value and denomination in words: QUARTER DOLLAR. The design also includes thirteen stars representing the original thirteen States of the Union - five on the left, five on the right, and three below the eagle.

The best known design is the Washington Quarter Dollar (1932 - 1998); the central device on the reverse is the American eagle with outspread wings, facing the viewer; it is perched on a bundle of arrows framed below by two olive branches. Above, the legend UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In small letters below that, on two lines the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM (translated from Latin: Out of many, one). Around below, the value and denomination in words: QUARTER DOLLAR.

This design was issued in silver from 1932 to 1964, and was then debased to copper-nickel.

In 1999, the U.S. Mint stopped issuing the same "definitive" quarter dollar type every year, and embarked on a program of issuing a large variety of circulating commemorative designs (five or six different one every year), grouped around a general theme running for several years. These are:
- State Quarter (1999 - 2008) - 50 designs, each representing one of the 50 states of the United States
- DC and U.S. Territories Quarter (2009) - six designs, representing the federal District of Columbia, and five territories associated with the United States
- America the Beautiful (2010 - 2021) - 56 designs representing national parks and other national sites in each state, federal district or territory of the US; for the first time, this was running in parallel with a series of five-ounce bullion coins with the same designs
- American Women Quarter Dollar (2022 - 2025) - with a total of 20 designs, the program honours five women on five reverse designs per year, selected for "contributions to the United States in a wide spectrum of accomplishments and fields, including but not limited to suffrage, civil rights, abolition, government, humanities, science, space, and arts".

EdgeMilledEdge InscriptionNone

See also: Non-Circulating Legal Tender Quarter Dollar.

Coin Type: Quarter Dollar - (315) Coins (Page 1 of 4)
Coin NameMintageSymbol or PortraitLegend
Quarter Dollar 1796 Draped Bust 6,146 Liberty, Portrait ******** LIBERTY ******* 1796
Quarter Dollar 1804 Draped Bust 6,738 Liberty, Portrait ******* LIBERTY ****** 1804
Quarter Dollar 1805 Draped Bust 121,394 Liberty, Portrait ******* LIBERTY ****** 1805
Quarter Dollar 1806 Draped Bust 206,124 Liberty, Portrait ******* LIBERTY ****** 1806
Quarter Dollar 1807 Draped Bust 220,643 Liberty, Portrait ******* LIBERTY ****** 1807
Quarter Dollar 1815 Capped Bust 89,235 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1815
Quarter Dollar 1818 Capped Bust 361,174 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1818
Quarter Dollar 1819 Capped Bust 144,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1819
Quarter Dollar 1820 Capped Bust 127,444 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1820
Quarter Dollar 1821 Capped Bust 216,851 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1821
Quarter Dollar 1822 Capped Bust 64,080 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1822
Quarter Dollar 1823 Capped Bust 17,800 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1823
Quarter Dollar 1824 Capped Bust 168,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1824
Quarter Dollar 1825 Capped Bust unknown Liberty, Portrait ************* 1825
Quarter Dollar 1827 Capped Bust 4,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1827
Quarter Dollar 1828 Capped Bust 102,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1828
Quarter Dollar 1831 Capped Bust 398,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1831
Quarter Dollar 1832 Capped Bust 320,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1832
Quarter Dollar 1833 Capped Bust 156,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1833
Quarter Dollar 1834 Capped Bust 286,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1834
Quarter Dollar 1835 Capped Bust 1,952,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1835
Quarter Dollar 1836 Capped Bust 472,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1836
Quarter Dollar 1837 Capped Bust 252,400 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1837
Quarter Dollar 1838 Capped Bust 366,000 Liberty, Portrait ************* 1838
Quarter Dollar 1838 Seated Liberty 466,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1838
Quarter Dollar 1839 Seated Liberty 491,146 Seated Liberty ************* 1839
Quarter Dollar 1840 Seated Liberty 613,327 Seated Liberty ************* 1840
Quarter Dollar 1841 Seated Liberty 572,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1841
Quarter Dollar 1842 Seated Liberty 857,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1842
Quarter Dollar 1843 Seated Liberty 1,613,600 Seated Liberty ************* 1843
Quarter Dollar 1844 Seated Liberty 1,161,200 Seated Liberty ************* 1844
Quarter Dollar 1845 Seated Liberty 922,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1845
Quarter Dollar 1846 Seated Liberty 510,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1846
Quarter Dollar 1847 Seated Liberty 1,102,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1847
Quarter Dollar 1848 Seated Liberty 146,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1848
Quarter Dollar 1849 Seated Liberty 356,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1849
Quarter Dollar 1850 Seated Liberty 602,800 Seated Liberty ************* 1850
Quarter Dollar 1851 Seated Liberty 248,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1851
Quarter Dollar 1852 Seated Liberty 273,060 Seated Liberty ************* 1852
Quarter Dollar 1853 Seated Liberty 16,577,220 Seated Liberty *************←1853 →
Quarter Dollar 1854 Seated Liberty 13,864,000 Seated Liberty *************←1854 →
Quarter Dollar 1855 Seated Liberty 3,429,400 Seated Liberty *************←1855 →
Quarter Dollar 1856 Seated Liberty 8,518,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1856
Quarter Dollar 1857 Seated Liberty 10,906,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1857
Quarter Dollar 1858 Seated Liberty 8,009,300 Seated Liberty ************* 1858
Quarter Dollar 1859 Seated Liberty 1,684,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1859
Quarter Dollar 1860 Seated Liberty 1,249,400 Seated Liberty ************* 1860
Quarter Dollar 1861 Seated Liberty 4,950,600 Seated Liberty ************* 1861
Quarter Dollar 1862 Seated Liberty 999,550 Seated Liberty ************* 1862
Quarter Dollar 1863 Seated Liberty 192,060 Seated Liberty ************* 1863
Quarter Dollar 1864 Seated Liberty 114,070 Seated Liberty ************* 1864
Quarter Dollar 1865 Seated Liberty 100,300 Seated Liberty ************* 1865
Quarter Dollar 1866 Seated Liberty 45,525 Seated Liberty ************* 1866
Quarter Dollar 1867 Seated Liberty 68,625 Seated Liberty ************* 1867
Quarter Dollar 1868 Seated Liberty 126,000 Seated Liberty ************* 1868
Quarter Dollar 1869 Seated Liberty 92,600 Seated Liberty ************* 1869
Quarter Dollar 1870 Seated Liberty 95,740 Seated Liberty ************* 1870
Quarter Dollar 1871 Seated Liberty 160,950 Seated Liberty ************* 1871
Quarter Dollar 1872 Seated Liberty 288,800 Seated Liberty ************* 1872
Quarter Dollar 1873 Seated Liberty 1,656,762 Seated Liberty *************←1873 →
Quarter Dollar 1874 Seated Liberty 863,900 Seated Liberty *************←1874 →
Quarter Dollar 1875 Seated Liberty 5,113,500 Seated Liberty ************* 1875
Quarter Dollar 1876 Seated Liberty 31,357,150 Seated Liberty ************* 1876
Quarter Dollar 1877 Seated Liberty 24,099,710 Seated Liberty ************* 1877
Quarter Dollar 1878 Seated Liberty 3,396,800 Seated Liberty ************* 1878
Quarter Dollar 1879 Seated Liberty 14,700 Seated Liberty ************* 1879
Quarter Dollar 1880 Seated Liberty 14,955 Seated Liberty ************* 1880
Quarter Dollar 1881 Seated Liberty 12,975 Seated Liberty ************* 1881
Quarter Dollar 1882 Seated Liberty 16,300 Seated Liberty ************* 1882
Quarter Dollar 1883 Seated Liberty 15,439 Seated Liberty ************* 1883
Quarter Dollar 1884 Seated Liberty 8,875 Seated Liberty ************* 1884
Quarter Dollar 1885 Seated Liberty 14,530 Seated Liberty ************* 1885
Quarter Dollar 1886 Seated Liberty 5,886 Seated Liberty ************* 1886
Quarter Dollar 1887 Seated Liberty 10,710 Seated Liberty ************* 1887
Quarter Dollar 1888 Seated Liberty 1,226,833 Seated Liberty ************* 1888
Quarter Dollar 1889 Seated Liberty 12,711 Seated Liberty ************* 1889
Quarter Dollar 1890 Seated Liberty 80,590 Seated Liberty ************* 1890
Quarter Dollar 1891 Seated Liberty 6,204,600 Seated Liberty ************* 1891
Quarter Dollar 1892 Barber 11,661,324 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1892
Quarter Dollar 1893 Barber 10,295,350 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1893
Quarter Dollar 1894 Barber 8,933,793 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1894
Quarter Dollar 1895 Barber 9,021,561 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1895
Quarter Dollar 1896 Barber 5,546,801 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1896
Quarter Dollar 1897 Barber 10,097,760 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1897
Quarter Dollar 1898 Barber 13,989,327 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1898
Quarter Dollar 1899 Barber 15,976,846 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1899
Quarter Dollar 1900 Barber 15,291,497 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1900
Quarter Dollar 1901 Barber 10,577,477 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1901
Quarter Dollar 1902 Barber 18,470,356 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1902
Quarter Dollar 1903 Barber 14,296,064 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1903
Quarter Dollar 1904 Barber 12,044,813 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1904
Quarter Dollar 1905 Barber 8,082,250 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1905
Quarter Dollar 1906 Barber 8,992,435 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1906
Quarter Dollar 1907 Barber 15,536,575 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1907
Quarter Dollar 1908 Barber 17,048,545 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1908
Quarter Dollar 1909 Barber 16,442,650 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1909
Quarter Dollar 1910 Barber 3,744,551 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1910
Quarter Dollar 1911 Barber 5,642,143 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1911
Quarter Dollar 1912 Barber 5,108,700 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1912
Quarter Dollar 1913 Barber 1,975,413 Liberty, Barber ****** IN GOD WE TRUST ******* 1913
Showing 1 to 100 of 315 Coins.
Royal Mint
Royal Mint