Ten Cents 1984 (Proof only), Coin from Bahamas - detailed information

Ten Cents 1984 (Proof only), Coin from Bahamas
CoinTen Cents 1984 (Proof only)

MintFranklin Mint Mint MarkLetters FM Total Mintage 1,036

Within a beaded circle, at centre, Coat of Arms of The Bahamas: a shield, depicting the Santa Maria ship of Christopher Columbus below a rising sun, supported by a marlin and a flamingo; the shield in surmounted by a helmet with a conch shell and leaves; below on ribbon, FORWARD UPWARD ONWARD TOGETHER; around, COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS; below, the date 1984.

Obverse Inscription COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1984

Within a beaded circle, two fish (of the species Albula vulpes, known as "bonefish") swimming in different directions among marine plants; around below, the denomination TEN CENTS. The mint mark is under the tail of the lower fish, over the letter T of TEN.

Reverse Inscription TEN CENTS
EdgePlainEdge InscriptionNone
Ten Cents 1984 (Proof only): References to Information Used
All (29) coins of type: Ten Cents
Coin NameMintageEffigyLegend
Ten Cents 1966 1,973,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II BAHAMA ISLANDS
Ten Cents 1968 550,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II BAHAMA ISLANDS
Ten Cents 1969 2,036,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II BAHAMA ISLANDS
Ten Cents 1970 50,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II BAHAMA ISLANDS
Ten Cents 1971 44,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS ELIZABETH II
Ten Cents 1972 46,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS ELIZABETH II
Ten Cents 1973 (Queen Elizabeth II) 50,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS ELIZABETH II
Ten Cents 1973 (Commonwealth of the Bahamas) 1,000,000 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1973
Ten Cents 1974 111,000 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1974
Ten Cents 1975 3,038,845 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1975
Ten Cents 1976 30,453 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1976
Ten Cents 1977 17,713 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1977
Ten Cents 1978 13,698 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1978
Ten Cents 1979 (Proof only) 2,053 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1979
Ten Cents 1980 2,502,084 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1980
Ten Cents 1981 (Proof only) 1,980 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1981
Ten Cents 1982 2,001,217 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1982
Ten Cents 1983 (Proof only) 1,020 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1983
Ten Cents 1984 (Proof only) 1,036 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1984
Ten Cents 1985 2,007,500 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1985
Ten Cents 1987 3,000,000 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1987
Ten Cents 1989 unknown COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1989
Ten Cents 1991 unknown COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1991
Ten Cents 1992 unknown COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1992
Ten Cents 1996 unknown COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1996
Ten Cents 1998 unknown COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 1998
Ten Cents 2000 unknown COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 2000
Ten Cents 2005 unknown COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 2005
Ten Cents 2007 unknown COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS 2007
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Ten Cents 1984 (Proof only): Details
CurrencyBahamian Dollar
Coin TypeTen Cents
MonarchQueen Elizabeth II
Face Value10 (x Cent)
Circulation MintageNone
Total Mintage1,036
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
Size23.5000 mm
Thickness1.8000 mm
Mass5.1800 g
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Ten Cents 1984 (Proof only): Catalogue Reference IDs
SourceReference ID
Krause, Standard Catalog of World CoinsBahamas KM# 61