Ten Cents 2024, Coin from Australia - detailed information

Ten Cents 2024, Coin from Australia
CoinTen Cents 2024

The Australian 10 cent coin was first introduced with decimalisation on 14 February 1966 when it replaced the pre-decimal Australian shilling. The original reverse design by Stuart Devlin has not been changed since its introduction.

After the withdrawal of the one cent and two cents denominations from circulation in February 1992, the ten cent coin is now the second smallest circulating coin of the Australian dollar, after the five cents piece.

Coins issued in 2024 have now been in circulation for only one year.

MintRoyal Australian Mint Mint MarkNo mint mark Mintageunknown
Australia / Ten Cents 2024 - obverse photo

The obverse of the coin displays the bust of King Charles III, which depicts him bare-headed (uncrowned) and wearing a suit and tie, facing left.

Below the shoulder truncation in tiny letters, the artist's initials DT (for Dan Thorne).

Around the rim, the monarch's legend and the date of issue: CHARLES III · AUSTRALIA 2024.

Obverse Inscription CHARLES III · AUSTRALIA 2024
Australia / Ten Cents 2024 - reverse photo

The reverse of the coin depicts a lyrebird seen facing left, with its tail plumes expanded forward over its head.

The denomination numeral 10 [cents] is above the head of the bird; the artist's initials SD (for Stuart Devlin) are in (very) tiny letters below, in the right field beside its foot.

Reverse Inscription 10
EdgeMilledEdge InscriptionNone

These are the first coins in the 10 cents denomination carrying the portrait of King Charles III (no 10 cent coins with his effigy were issued in 2023). They were first released on 14 May 2024 with the Royal Australian Mint's annual collector sets.

The Definitive Guide to Australian Silver Coins
The Definitive Guide to Australian Silver Coins
Ten Cents 2024: Known varieties
Variety In mint sets
Images Australia / Ten Cents 2024 / In mint sets - obverse photo Australia / Ten Cents 2024 / In mint sets - reverse photo
Mintage Issued: unknown

Brilliant Uncirculated coin in RAM mint set.

In Set 2024 Six-Coin Uncirculated Year Set - His Majesty King Charles III, mintage unknown
6 coins: $2 Aboriginal Elder, $1 Mob of Roos, 50 Cents, 20 Cents, 10 Cents, 5 Cents
Variety Proof FDC
Images Australia / Ten Cents 2024 / Proof FDC - reverse photo
Mintage Issued: unknown

Proof coin in RAM mint set.

In Set 2024 Six-Coin Proof Year Set - His Majesty King Charles III, mintage unknown
6 coins: $2 Aboriginal Elder, $1 Mob of Roos, 50 Cents, 20 Cents, 10 Cents, 5 Cents
See also

There is also a 2024-dated non-circulating 10 cents coin with the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, which was issued in collector sets only.

All (62) coins of type: Ten Cents
Coin NameMintageEffigyLegend
Ten Cents 1966 41,069,314 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1966
Ten Cents 1967 51,032,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1967
Ten Cents 1968 57,200,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1968
Ten Cents 1969 22,100,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1969
Ten Cents 1970 22,321,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1970
Ten Cents 1971 20,736,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1971
Ten Cents 1972 12,512,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1972
Ten Cents 1973 27,330,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1973
Ten Cents 1974 46,561,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1974
Ten Cents 1975 50,923,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1975
Ten Cents 1976 57,081,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1976
Ten Cents 1977 10,995,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1977
Ten Cents 1978 48,400,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1978
Ten Cents 1979 36,986,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1979
Ten Cents 1980 55,600,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1980
Ten Cents 1981 116,146,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1981
Ten Cents 1982 61,592,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1982
Ten Cents 1983 82,398,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1983
Ten Cents 1984 25,789,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Second Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1984
Ten Cents 1985 2,175,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1985
Ten Cents 1986 (mint sets only) 247,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1986
Ten Cents 1987 (mint sets only) 270,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1987
Ten Cents 1988 49,006,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1988
Ten Cents 1989 43,067,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1989
Ten Cents 1990 23,091,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1990
Ten Cents 1991 3,215,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1991
Ten Cents 1992 43,795,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1992
Ten Cents 1993 23,146,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1993
Ten Cents 1994 43,765,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1994
Ten Cents 1995 (mint sets only) 137,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1995
Ten Cents 1996 (mint sets only) 149,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1996
Ten Cents 1997 5,732,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1997
Ten Cents 1998 48,021,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Third Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1998
Ten Cents 1999 97,100,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 1999
Ten Cents 2000 51,152,153 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2000
Ten Cents 2001 109,416,569 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2001
Ten Cents 2002 70,487,062 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2002
Ten Cents 2003 53,674,090 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2003
Ten Cents 2004 89,050,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2004
Ten Cents 2005 116,733,520 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2005
Ten Cents 2006 157,087,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2006
Ten Cents 2007 61,096,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2007
Ten Cents 2008 136,000,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2008
Ten Cents 2009 25,300,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2009
Ten Cents 2010 84,900,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2010
Ten Cents 2011 1,700,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2011
Ten Cents 2012 54,000,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2012
Ten Cents 2013 49,200,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2013
Ten Cents 2014 60,700,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2014
Ten Cents 2015 14,300,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2015
Ten Cents 2016 42,000,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2016
Ten Cents 2016 Changeover 6,290,661 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2016 FIFTY YEARS
Ten Cents 2017 21,600,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2017
Ten Cents 2018 3,100,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2018
Ten Cents 2019 (Fourth Portrait) 14,750,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Fourth Portrait ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2019
Ten Cents 2019 (Fifth Portrait) 3,900,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Uncouped Portrait by Jody Clark ELIZABETH II · AUSTRALIA 2019
Ten Cents 2020 17,250,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Uncouped Portrait by Jody Clark ELIZABETH II · AUSTRALIA 2020
Ten Cents 2021 1,250,000 Queen Elizabeth II - Uncouped Portrait by Jody Clark ELIZABETH II · AUSTRALIA 2021
Ten Cents 2022 unknown Queen Elizabeth II - Uncouped Portrait by Jody Clark ELIZABETH II · AUSTRALIA 2022
Ten Cents 2023 unknown Queen Elizabeth II - Uncouped Portrait by Jody Clark ELIZABETH II · AUSTRALIA 2023
Ten Cents 2023 Memorial Obverse unknown Queen Elizabeth II - Uncouped Portrait by Jody Clark ELIZABETH II 1952 - 2022 · AUSTRALIA 2023
Ten Cents 2024 unknown King Charles III - Portrait by Dan Thorne CHARLES III · AUSTRALIA 2024
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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Ten Cents 2024: Details
CurrencyAustralian Dollar
Coin TypeTen Cents
MonarchKing Charles III
EffigyKing Charles III - Portrait by Dan Thorne
Face Value10 (x Cent)
DesignerStuart Devlin
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationMedal Alignment (Axis 0)
Size5.6600 mm
Thickness1.7600 mm
Mass23.6000 g
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