
Translated from French: Democratic Republic of Congo.

This legend is displayed on the coinage of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is in French, the official language of the country.

REPUBLIQUE DEMOCATIQUE DU CONGO - Congo, Democratic Republic of the - (143) Coins (Page 1 of 2)
Coin NameMintageEffigy
Silver Ounce 2001 Olympic Games - Quadriga unknown Lion of Congo
Silver Ounce 2002 Olympic Games - Discus Thrower unknown Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Alfa Romeo 1913 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Audi Alpensieger 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Benz Motorwagen 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Berliet 1908 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Buick Model C 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Cadillac Opera 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Ford Model T 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Opel Torpedo 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Peugeot Vis à Vis 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Rolls Royce 1906 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Historical Cars - Rover 1906 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2002 Polaris 15,000 Lion of Congo
Silver Ounce 2003 Olympic Games - Wrestlers unknown Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Auburn Speedster 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Bentley 1930 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Bugatti Royale-Napoleon 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Citroen Trefle 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Duesenberg SJ 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Isotta Fraschini 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Jaguar SS 100 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Lancia Lambda Torpedo 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Maybach W3 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Mercedes 1927 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - MG Bullnose 15,000 Lion of Congo
Ten Francs Silver 2003 Historical Cars - Renault 1922 15,000 Lion of Congo
Gold Twenty-fifth Ounce 2005 Pope John Paul II 25,000 Lion of Congo
Gold Five Ounces 2019 World's Wildlife - The Giraffe 50 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2019 World's Wildlife - The Giraffe 5,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Ounce 2019 World's Wildlife - The Giraffe 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Ounce 2019 World's Wildlife - The Giraffe 1,300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Quarter Ounce 2019 World's Wildlife - The Giraffe 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Tenth-Ounce 2019 World's Wildlife - The Giraffe 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 Predators - Canis Lupus 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 Predators - Carcharodon Carcharias 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 Predators - Crocodylia 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 Predators - Hiliaeetus Leucocephalus 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 Predators - Latrodectus 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 Predators - Panthera Pardus 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 Predators - Ursus Arctos Horribilis 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 Predators - Vulpini 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2019 World's Wildlife - The Giraffe 40,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Five Ounces 2020 World's Wildlife - The Whale 50 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2020 Prehistoric Life - Mamenchisaurus 2,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2020 Prehistoric Life - Plesiosaurus 2,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2020 Prehistoric Life - T-Rex 2,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2020 World's Wildlife - The Whale 6,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Ounce 2020 World's Wildlife - The Whale 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Ounce 2020 World's Wildlife - The Whale 1,300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Quarter Ounce 2020 World's Wildlife - The Whale 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Tenth-Ounce 2020 World's Wildlife - The Whale 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Extinct Predators - Dusicyon Australis 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Extinct Predators - Megalodon 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Extinct Predators - Mosasaurus 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Extinct Predators - Phorusrhacidae 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Extinct Predators - Smilodon 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Extinct Predators - Spinosaurus 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Extinct Predators - Thylacoleo Carnifex 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Extinct Predators - Varanus Priscus 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Predators - Acinonyx Jubatus 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Predators - Crotalus 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Predators - Hyaenidae 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Predators - Panthera Leo 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Predators - Panthera Tigris 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Predators - Puma Concolor 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Predators - Scorpiones 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Predators - Ursus Maritimus 20,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Prehistoric Life - Mamenchisaurus 12,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Prehistoric Life - Plesiosaurus 12,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 Prehistoric Life - T-Rex 12,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2020 World's Wildlife - The Whale 40,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Five Ounces 2021 Prince Philip 50 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Five Ounces 2021 World's Wildlife - The Bald Eagle 50 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram (2021) Graf von Stauffenberg 2,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2021 Prehistoric Life - Archaeopteryx 2,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2021 Prehistoric Life - Quetzalcoatlus 2,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2021 Prehistoric Life - Woolly Mammoth 2,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2021 Prince Philip 5,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Gram 2021 World's Wildlife - The Bald Eagle 6,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Ounce 2021 Prince Philip 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Half Ounce 2021 World's Wildlife - The Bald Eagle 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Ounce 2021 Prince Philip 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Ounce 2021 World's Wildlife - The Bald Eagle 1,300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Quarter Ounce 2021 Prince Philip 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Quarter Ounce 2021 World's Wildlife - The Bald Eagle 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Tenth-Ounce 2021 Prince Philip 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Gold Tenth-Ounce 2021 World's Wildlife - The Bald Eagle 300 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Extinct Predators - Megateuthis Gigantea 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Extinct Predators - Phelsuma Gigas 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Extinct Predators - Pteranodon 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Extinct Predators - Pterygotus 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Extinct Predators - Puijila Darwini 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Extinct Predators - Thylacinus Cynocephalus 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Extinct Predators - Titanoboa 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Extinct Predators - Ursus Spelaeus 8,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Prehistoric Life - Archaeopteryx 12,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Prehistoric Life - Quetzalcoatlus 12,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Prehistoric Life - Woolly Mammoth 12,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Silver Ounce 2021 Shoebill Stork 50,000 Coat of Arms of Congo, Democratic Republic
Showing 1 to 100 of 143 Coins.
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Legend: Details
Year From1997
Year To
CountryCongo, Democratic Republic of the
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