The one dollar coin denomination (written as $1) was introduced in Australia in 1984, replacing the earlier banknotes. The original reverse design by Stuart Devlin on circulating coins has not been changed since its introduction. The denomination is also often used to issue circulating commemorative coins with various reverses.
The denomination is also used by both the Royal Australian Mint and the Perth Mint to issue an extensive range of collector coins which are legal tender in Australia but are not intended for circulation - such as this one. The coin is larger than the normal $1 coins.
This coin is part of the Perth Mint's Australian Bush Babies II featuring the babies of various native animals of Australia, and depicts a baby Possum (the 'II' in the name of the series indicates this is the second year it was issued; the first was in 2011).
There are about 70 species of small to medium-sized possums - arboreal marsupials native to Australia, New Guinea, and Sulawesi. These are commonly known as possums, gliders, and cuscus. The common name "possum" for various Phalangeriformes species derives from the creatures' resemblance to the opossums of the Americas. However, although opossums are also marsupials, Australasian possums are more closely related to other Australasian marsupials such as kangaroos. The smallest species is the Tasmanian pygmy possum, with an adult head-body length of 70 mm and a weight of 10 g. The largest are the two species of bear cuscus, which may exceed 7 kg. Phalangeriformes species are typically nocturnal and at least partially arboreal. They inhabit most vegetated habitats, and several species have adjusted well to urban settings. Diets range from generalist herbivores or omnivores (the common brushtail possum) to specialist browsers of eucalyptus (greater glider), insectivores (mountain pygmy possum) and nectar-feeders (honey possum).
The coins were issued either in a presentation card on in a PNC. The coin and the stamp of the PNC both feature the brush-tailed possum. One of Australia's most familiar marsupials, this lively animal is the size of a domestic cat with a pointed face, long oval ears, a pink nose and a bushy black tail. |