Two Marks, Franz Josef Strauß, Coin Type from Germany - detailed information

Two Marks, Franz Josef Strauß, Coin Type from Germany (issued 1990 - 2001)
Coin TypeTwo Marks, Franz Josef Strauß

The Two Marks coin, abbreviated 2 DM and known in English as 2 German Marks, was a relatively large circulating denomination of the Deutsche Mark (German mark), which was the official currency of West Germany from 1948 until 1990 and later of unified Germany from 1990 until 2002.

The initial design was similar to the 1 Mark coin and was only issued in 1951. It was superseded by a design honouring Max Planck, which was issued between 1957 and 1971.

Those earlier coins were made of CuproNickel and were confusing to vending machines (which mistakenly accepted cheap foreign coins instead of 2 DM), so were demonetized in 1973 and replaced by a new series of coins called the "politicians series" because it depicts portraits of German politicians on the obverse. These coins are three-layered: CuproNickel with a Nickel core, which makes them magnetic unlike the earlier ones.

This type of coins honours Dr. Franz Josef Strauß (1915 - 1988; his surname is spelled Strauss in English), a German politician who was defence minister in 1956 in charge of rebuilding the Bundeswehr, chairman of the Bavarian political party CSU from 1961, and Bavarian minister-president from 1978 to his death.

This type is called "2 Deutsche Mark VII. Ausgabe" ("seventh issue") in German by the Deutsche Bundesbank; it was struck between 1990 and 2001 by five different mints:
- Berlin Mint - mint mark A (from 1991; Berlin was in a different country - the German Democratic Republic - before that)
- Munich Mint - mint mark D
- Stuttgart Mint - mint mark F
- Karlsruhe Mint - mint mark G
- Hamburg Mint - mint mark J

Other coins of the "politicians series" include:
- Konrad Adenauer, 1969 - 1987
- Theodor Heuss, 1970 - 1987
- Kurt Schumacher, 1979 - 1993
- Ludwig Erhard, 1988 - 2001
- Willy Brandt, 1994 - 2001

Note that the introduction of new designs did not supplant the previous ones; older designs continued to be issued and used in parallel.

The edge inscription was the same throughout the history of the denomination: Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit, meaning "Unity and Justice and Freedom".

In 1999, the Deutsche Mark was replaced by the Euro; its coins and banknotes remained in circulation, defined in terms of euros, until the introduction of euro notes and coins on 1 January 2002. The Deutsche Mark ceased to be legal tender immediately upon the introduction of the euro - in contrast to the other eurozone nations, where the euro and legacy currency circulated side by side for up to two months. Mark coins and banknotes continued to be accepted as valid forms of payment in Germany until 28 February 2002.

Germany / Two Marks, Franz Josef Strauß - obverse photo

The obverse of the coin, designed by Erich Ott, features the portrait of Dr. Franz Josef Strauß, a German politician who was minister-president of Bavaria from 1978 to his death in 1988. His name is not written on the coin.

Around above, · BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND ·, meaning Federal Republic of Germany.

Around below, separated by the portrait, are the dates 1949 1989, representing the 40th anniversary of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Obverse Inscription · BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND · 1949 1989
Germany / Two Marks, Franz Josef Strauß - reverse photo

The reverse of the coin, designed by Reinhart Heinsdorff, depicts at its centre the Federal Eagle of Germany, being a one headed eagle, its head facing left, its wings open and with open feathering.

Around left, the legend BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND, meaning Federal Republic of Germany.

Around right, facing in the opposite direction, the value and denomination 2 DEUTSCHE MARK (2 German marks).

The date [year] is above the eagle's head. The mint mark of the mint which produced the coin is a small letter to the left of the numeral 2 of the value and under the eagle's left foot.

EdgeInscribed (incuse lettering)Edge InscriptionEINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT
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Two Marks, Franz Josef Strauß: Details
CurrencyDeutsche Mark
Sub-type ofTwo Marks
Face Value2 (x Mark)
CurrentNo (demonetised 2002)
MaterialCuproNickel-clad Nickel
DesignerErich Ott, Reinhart Heinsdorff
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationMedal Alignment (Axis 0)
Size26.7500 mm
Thickness1.7900 mm
Mass7.0000 g